English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Bourse" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin:A Faransanci, "Bourse" tana nufin musayar hannun jari ko kasuwar hannun jari. In Turanci, "Bourse" yana nufin ƙaramin jaka ko jakar da ake amfani da shi don ɗaukar tsabar kudi ko kuɗi. A cikin magani, "Bursa" (wani lokaci ana rubuta "Bourse") jakar ce mai cike da ruwa da ke kwantar da ita. lubricates haɗin gwiwa.Mafi yawan amfani da kalmar "Bourse" shine dangane da musayar hannun jari ko kasuwar hannun jari.

Sentence Examples

  1. Do you not know that all Paris knew it yesterday, and the day before it had already transpired on the Bourse, and M.
  2. Already Dantès had visited this maritime Bourse two or three times, and seeing all these hardy free-traders, who supplied the whole coast for nearly two hundred leagues in extent, he had asked himself what power might not that man attain who should give the impulse of his will to all these contrary and diverging minds.