English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “iyakoki” na iya samun ‘yan ma’anoni daban-daban dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Anan akwai yiwuwar ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar: Misali: Yaran sun daure daga gado a safiyar Kirsimeti don buɗe kyaututtukansu. Suna: iyaka ko iyakokin wani abu. Misali: Katanga ya yi alamar iyakokin dukiyar. Suna: iyaka ko ƙuntatawa akan wani abu. Misali: Akwai iyaka ga abin da za mu iya cim ma a cikin yini ɗaya. Misali: Barewa na kiwo a cikin iyakokin dajin na kasa.


  1. bound
  2. boundary

Sentence Examples

  1. I suspect thou wilt say that I am taking a very humble line, and keeping myself too much within the bounds of my moderation, from a feeling that additional suffering should not be inflicted upon a sufferer, and that what this gentleman has to endure must doubtless be very great, as he does not dare to come out into the open field and broad daylight, but hides his name and disguises his country as if he had been guilty of some lese majesty.
  2. Freed from the bounds of degenerative conditions, faces light up, the unspoken speak, toes tap, and hands clap as the music plays or the poem is remembered.
  3. Just then TB passes in the hallway, sees us sitting there and bounds into the room with a huge grin.
  4. power of flattery, how far-reaching art thou, and how wide are the bounds of thy pleasant jurisdiction!
  5. A nudge to chase our purpose beyond the bounds of the framework drilled into our being for the past many years of education.
  6. It is the mal-practice of the courts to confine evidence and discussion to the bounds of apparent relevancy.
  7. So that, O Sancho, in what we do we must not overpass the bounds which the Christian religion we profess has assigned to us.
  8. He that possesses her must keep her within bounds, not permitting her to break out in ribald satires or soulless sonnets.
  9. His cruelty knew no bounds, even against his own kind, thus civil war ignited.
  10. The possibilities for peace and prosperity had no bounds when you knew the objectives and desires of your enemies.