English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dutse" babban dutse ne, zagaye ko ɗimbin dutse, yawanci wanda ruwa ko yazawa ya yi su. Yawanci yana girma fiye da dutsen dutse kuma ƙasa da ƙaramin tudu, tare da diamita na akalla inci 10 (cm 25). Ana yawan samun duwatsu a cikin filayen, a kan tsaunuka, ko a cikin ruwa kamar koguna ko tafkuna. Ana iya amfani da su don gyaran ƙasa, a matsayin kayan gini, ko don kayan ado.

Sentence Examples

  1. The boulder was cut and polished at the top, creating a flat edge perfect for sliding down.
  2. Then she giggled and pointed at two kids who were tackling a huge granite boulder like it was a mountain.
  3. The cave itself was about the size of a large den, but the only furnishing was a stray boulder and the largest pile of bones I had ever seen.
  4. It slammed into me with the strength of a boulder, making me sway on the spot.
  5. Not persuading her to stay had been a mistake, he was certain of it, and he felt as though a boulder had settled on his chest, crushing him with the weight of his fears.
  6. Then he grabbed my backpack and set both our packs on a dry boulder several feet away.
  7. In a sudden burst of realization, I threw myself behind a nearby boulder right as he started to wheel around.
  8. Toppling backwards he lands on a bit of soft ground just inches from a jagged boulder.
  9. The Medicine Man rounded the boulder Hawke leaned against, barely visible in the firelight.
  10. After a final, wistful look at Sholes Creek Falls, we turned and clambered back down the gargantuan boulder and into the masses of fallen logs.