English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "boot" tana iya samun ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Anan akwai wasu ma'anoni gama gari: ta sojoji, mahayan dawakai, ko masu babur.Ayyukan fara kwamfuta ko wasu na'urorin lantarki, yawanci loda tsarin aiki da sauran shirye-shiryen da ake bukata. A storage compartment at the bayan mota ko abin hawa don ɗaukar kaya ko wani kaya. An informal term for trunk of a car. > Don korar wani ko wani abu da karfi daga wuri ko yanayi. Don satar wani abu. ƙarshen ƙugiya ko sanda don samar da raguwa da rage lalacewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. I kicked the dreyvern into the nearest wall, my thick boot muting the impact of its armour.
  2. I whirled in, ignoring the stinging pain in my arm, and brought my boot down on its clawed foot.
  3. I jerked back, heart thumping, hand going for the dagger in my boot.
  4. The boot was a couple of sizes too big, but I could feel a switch under the heel.
  5. Then again, he was an Alliance guard and an Academy graduate to boot.
  6. My hand slipped to the dagger concealed in my boot.
  7. After changing from the outfit the Alliance had given me into my own clothes, I stuck one in my boot.
  8. I yelled, losing control of the boot altogether, dropping like a bullet.
  9. And it threw me off to see the imprint of my own combat boot in vivid bruises across his face.
  10. With only one boot, he was forced to hobble, while I pelted through three lanes of hover cars in a zigzag, feet skidding on the odd metal they used in place of tarmac.