English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "akwatin littafi" wani yanki ne na kayan daki mai ɗaki mai ɗorewa da ake amfani da shi don adana littattafai ko wasu kayan bugu. Akwatin littafi yawanci yana da siffar rectangular kuma an yi shi da itace, ƙarfe, ko wasu kayan aiki, tare da ɗakunan ajiya da yawa a jera ɗaya sama da ɗayan. Za a iya gyara ɗakunan ajiya ko daidaitacce, kuma suna iya samun ƙofofi ko gilashin gilashi don kare littattafan daga ƙura da lalacewa. Ana yawan samun akwatunan littattafai a ɗakunan karatu, ofisoshi, da gidaje, kuma ana iya amfani da su ba kawai littattafai ba, har ma da kayan ado, hotuna, da sauran abubuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The way it was built, no one could tell that a bookcase normally hid the opening.
  2. On the hunt for some notepaper I riffle through the pile of assorted books and magazines left on top of the small bookcase.
  3. The bookcase in front of me sunk in and slowly moved to the left on an electronic rail system until it was sucked into the wall behind it.
  4. A low bookcase sat on the far wall with two overstuffed chairs.
  5. I approached the long bookcase, eyeing it up and down.
  6. A strange painting hung over the bookcase and seemed to beckon her.
  7. The wooden planks, dark in color, were all perfectly smooth, except for one small section directly under the bookcase in front of me.
  8. It contained a desk covered in books, papers trapped under paperweights with religious motifs, and an overwhelming bookcase crammed with aged volumes.
  9. Moving across the room, she focused on the dilapidated painting hanging over the bookcase.
  10. When I return to the kitchen wearing a loose cotton blouse and a fawn skirt, Shirley is sifting through the pile of assorted magazines and books stacked on top of the bookcase beside the pens.