English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfafa" ita ce tallafawa, ƙarfafawa, ko ƙarfafa wani abu, yawanci ta ƙara ƙarin abu ko taimako. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga matashin kai ko matashin kai mai tsayi, kunkuntar matashin kai da ake amfani da shi don tallafawa kai ko jiki yayin barci ko hutawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. And Dana, Jill, and I have been working to bolster team spirit.
  2. A lot of people were counting on this day to bolster their sales until the full-on tourist season of summer began in our waterside town, and I could feel the weight of their expectations as I unlocked the front door.
  3. To further bolster against the threat of enemy escape, I closed the trapdoor and had Clarissa help me carry the shelf and place it over the access, forcing anyone in a rush to waste a few precious seconds removing the obstruction.
  4. Her friends were what she imagined sisters would be like to have so close and alike in thoughts, always able to bolster one another through tough spots.
  5. I guess all warriors have a battle cry to help bolster their spirits.