English to hausa meaning of

Gidan jirgin ruwa gini ne ko matsuguni da aka kera musamman don adanawa, kariya, da kula da jiragen ruwa da sauran jiragen ruwa. Yawanci yana samun damar shiga ruwa, kamar tashar jirgin ruwa ko tudu, yana ba da damar kwale-kwale a iya harbawa cikin sauƙi da kuma dawo da su. Ana iya amfani da gidajen jiragen ruwa don dalilai daban-daban, kamar wasan kwale-kwale na nishaɗi, kamun kifi, ko a matsayin tushe na ayyukan wasanni na ruwa. Ana iya samun su a kan tafkuna, koguna, da sauran ruwayen da ake yawan kwale-kwale.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their craft was methodically hauled up the beach to its boathouse.
  2. In the meantime, his brother was leading the methodical process of hauling the proa up the shore to its empty boathouse.
  3. Yet, as she sat on the deck of the Boathouse café and looked over the sparkling water, she almost ached with frustration and angst.
  4. I watched as Lord Sopwith added fuel from a gas can he took from a boathouse.
  5. There, in a boathouse raft floating down the Macquarie River, was a lone man sitting on the edge of the raft, his feet dangling in the river.
  6. I found a full gas can in the boathouse and put this in the back seat.
  7. By late afternoon, with the help of their rijerbal, they were hauling their proa up the beach into its boathouse, and Japeba was distributing bird and turtle eggs to his rijerbal.
  8. There was a short paved road leading from the parking lot to a pier with a boathouse on the east shore.
  9. She left Japeba to his work and walked over to the open-sided boathouse.
  10. The three of them walked through the dark and the rain to the boathouse.