English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "blooming" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Anan akwai wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: A cikin ilimin halittu, “blooming” yana nufin tsarin tsiro na samar da furanni. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin shuka lokacin da yake cike da furanni. Gabaɗaya amfani, "blooming" ana iya amfani da shi azaman haɓakawa don nuna babban matakin wani abu. Misali, “blooming lovely” na nufin kyakkyawa sosai, ko kuma “katon fure” tana nufin girma sosai. . Alal misali, "She looks positively blooming today." A cikin harshen Ingilishi, ana iya amfani da "blooming" a matsayin euphemism don ƙarin fa'ida, kamar "bloody."


  1. bloom

Sentence Examples

  1. She had begun to suspect the blooming root might hold some connection to the great tree of the Hesperides.
  2. The sun was out again, and the fresh spring air carried the sweet scent of the hyacinths blooming nearby.
  3. Lance gazed at Jack, who looked dazed and muddled, blood trickling from a cut on his lip, purple bruise already blooming on his cheek, and his heart ached for his friend.
  4. The second thing was the massive pain blooming at the base of my skull, probably from hitting my head.
  5. So, Henry, I guess we can abandon the wrangle of blooming love and return to chastising the decline of American values sit for hours and ramble about the inefficiencies of the world without exerting any effort.
  6. Love is not as the sonnet, fancy with blooming roses and dancing violins.
  7. I hope it does the same for the young and beautiful flower blooming beside me.
  8. Emma watched the entree of her own particular little friend and if she could not exult in her dignity and grace, she could not only love the blooming sweetness and the artless manner, but could most heartily rejoice in that light, cheerful, unsentimental disposition which allowed her so many alleviations of pleasure, in the midst of the pangs of disappointed affection.
  9. To this dumb language, which was so unintelligible to others, she answered by throwing her whole soul into the expression of her countenance, and in this manner were the conversations sustained between the blooming girl and the helpless invalid, whose body could scarcely be called a living one, but who, nevertheless, possessed a fund of knowledge and penetration, united with a will as powerful as ever although clogged by a body rendered utterly incapable of obeying its impulses.
  10. I breathed in the scent of crushed lawn and night blooming jasmine reveling in simply being alive.