English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “makafi” ita ce abin da ya shuɗe da kuma abin da ya gabata na kalmar fi’ili “makafi,” wanda ke nufin hana wani ko wani abu gani, a sanya wani abu ya kasa gani ko gane abu a zahiri. Hakanan yana iya nufin toshewa ko ɓata hangen nesa, ko sanya wani ya kasa fahimta ko fahimtar wani abu a sarari.

Sentence Examples

  1. A brilliant blue flash went off inside my eyes and I was instantly blinded.
  2. The next shout came from Earl, doubtless blinded, and I felt a little guilty for not warning him before.
  3. In it, Jesus delivers one of his many great one-liners to silence the Pharisees, who had a habit of being blinded by the word of the law, while ignoring its heart.
  4. Or perhaps the fact he hated the idea of celebrating evil and witchcraft had blinded Sant to the significance of the day.
  5. The bad news was I was as momentarily blinded by the light as he was.
  6. Sapphire and violet lights blinded me and when they dimmed, the mage was gone.
  7. Lancinations of brilliant light blinded her, she was caught in a terrible whirlpool, and then she was on her feet again.
  8. A roaring inferno whirled around her thousands of vivid colours blinded her.
  9. As he did, a bright flash filled the cave and blinded me even worse than I already was.
  10. Numb to the horror that blinded her, Kallan slid from Astrid.