English to hausa meaning of

Ana iya ma'anar "wuta" a matsayin: harshen wuta mai haske ko haskemai tsananin zafi, da sauri yana yaɗa wuta. ko nunin wani abu, kamar launi ko haskewani hanya mai alamar alamomi, kamar fentin a jikin bishiya ko duwatsu, don jagorantar masu tafiya ko mafarauta. motsin rai ko aikidon ƙonewa da haske ko mai zafidon ci gaba da babban gudu, kuzari, ko sha'awa.

Sentence Examples

  1. A blaze of flame behind us shocks me into my senses.
  2. At one moment I thought the blaze had caught it, and was about to caution you, but, before I could speak, you had withdrawn it, and were engaged in its examination.
  3. The bright light of the blaze would both attract the denizens of the darkness, and at the same time, compel them to remain some distance away.
  4. The blaze of the fire and the noise of the warlike instruments almost blinded the eyes and deafened the ears of those that stood by, and indeed of all who were in the wood.
  5. Left standing with my back to the roaring blaze, I did not move for quite some time.
  6. The dizziness was stronger than usual, and the orange blaze that had cast the images in an outline of black had returned.
  7. The growing blaze before me was needed not only to prepare the medicines and our meal, but also to ward off the night spirits.
  8. The whole group was one blaze of gold, as the saying is.
  9. He surreptitiously bent and shot a quick blaze out of his mouth to burn away the blood that had fallen to the bricks beneath.
  10. But as I did so the head turned, and the eyes fell full upon me, with all their blaze of basilisk horror.