English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “batsa” ita ce: Ƙarfin iska ko iska. bam ko na'urar fashewa. Sautin ƙarar kwatsam, kamar harbin bindiga ko ƙaho na iska. wani abu. Fita mai tashin hankali, kamar na motsin rai ko sauti. Don busa ko halaka ta hanyar fashewa. Don yin ƙara mai ƙarfi, kamar daga ƙaho ko busa. iska ko ruwa. Don sukar mai tsanani ko mai tsanani. Don tsabtace ko bushe wani abu ta amfani da magudanar iska ko iskar gas mai ƙarfi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cera screamed as she sent energy blast after energy blast at the writhing snake until it was no more than a sticky mess.
  2. The Fortress resounded with a thunderous horn blast, which signalled the start of each training session.
  3. Before I could lose my nerve, I shot a second blast of magic directly at the back wall.
  4. She was throwing magic, and each blast triggered a backlash that made the air vibrate.
  5. A blast of magic roared through the air, taking me off my feet.
  6. Behind, I heard a tremendous, earth-shaking blast, and the static grew to a fever pitch.
  7. This time, the blast shook one of my hands free, and the split-second advantage was enough for me to touch the communicator.
  8. I doubt they got far enough not to be caught in the blast.
  9. He surged forwards again narrowly avoiding another laser blast that singed his hair.
  10. The instant my foot touched the metal floor, magic flowed over me, and I drew it in and unleashed it in a second level blast that ought to have taken all of them off their feet, at least.

TV Series Examples



One blast for a ranger returning,