English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar saɓo yana nufin magana ko ayyuka da ke nuna rashin girmamawa, rashin girmamawa, ko raina ga Allah, addini, ko wani abu mai tsarki ko mai tsarki. Sau da yawa ana ɗaukar saɓo a matsayin babban laifi a cikin al'adun addini da yawa kuma ana iya hukunta su ta hanyar doka a wasu ƙasashe.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hush, sir utter not such blasphemy trust me I am advising you now to act as a sensible man should only read them, and you will see the pleasure you will derive from them.
  2. I forced growth into those vulnerable cells, demanded that they separate and multiply at dizzying speeds, and the noise that resulted from that blasphemy became a raw, primitive music.