English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bit" ya dogara ne akan mahallin da ake amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma'anoni gama gari: Misali, "kadan cake" ko "kadan bayanai." Watauni na ma'auni da ake amfani da shi wajen sarrafa kwamfuta da sadarwar dijital, wanda ke wakiltar mafi karancin adadin bayanan da kwamfuta iya fahimta. Yana iya samun darajar ko dai 0 ko 1. Kayan aiki da ake amfani da shi don hakowa ko ramuka masu ban sha'awa, yawanci wajen aikin itace. p>Kadan ko adadin wani abu. Alal misali, "Zan ɗan sha kofi kawai." >Kaifi mai kaifi, cizo ko yankewa, kamar a cikin "kadan zagi." takwas na dala.

Sentence Examples

  1. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly combed back, a bit of a white streak happening around one temple but this guy plays it up, embracing what I suspect is early middle age.
  2. A bit of snow had stuck to the ground once the typical evening flurries descended upon us.
  3. I saw the window open a bit later, and figured someone had just forgotten to close it.
  4. The preacher was pretty open-minded and his sermons uplifting, even if he did get a bit preachy at times.
  5. It might be idealistic to think I might be able to make the slightest bit of a difference, but I could at least use the blasted Walker name for something decent.
  6. Her blade bit into his neck and a gush of green goo frothed forth.
  7. Skimming swiftly over a beam that was only a bit wider than her foot, Cianne found the perfect spot for her bird.
  8. I tossed my backpack on the passenger seat and drove across town in a bit of a fog, debating if I should bring up the journal entry.
  9. She bit him savagely and he took his hand away with a yelp, almost losing his grip around her.
  10. She grabs my upper arm and squeezes, a bit too hard.

TV Series Examples



l travel a bit on the grubby side, my lord.



She was always a bit touched, but now...



She just... bit him a little.



You look a bit lonely today.



Don't you think it's a little bit unfair?



You're a bit late to start