English to hausa meaning of

Biscuit ita ce ‘yar biredi mai sauri da aka yi da kullu da aka yi birgima a yanka ko a sauke a cikin cokali. Akan ci shi azaman abun ciye-ciye ko tare da abinci. A wasu ƙasashe, irin su Birtaniya, kalmar "biskit" tana nufin abin da Amirkawa za su kira "kuki," yayin da a Amurka, "biscuit" yana nufin wani nau'in burodi mai sauri da aka saba yi da karin kumallo ko abincin dare.

Sentence Examples

  1. His expression turned sheepish and he became incredibly invested in buttering an over-crisped biscuit.
  2. Ray-Bans poured a second coffee, took a biscuit and carefully sat down in the lean-to chair like a king testing his throne.
  3. I go inside, fetch her a dog biscuit, then another.
  4. She greeted them each time with a friendly smile, pleasant conversation and a dog biscuit for Lucky.
  5. Ray-Bans swallowed another biscuit and drowned it in the rest of his coffee.
  6. It may have been about mid-day when they placed us in the boat, giving us two kegs of water and some biscuit and the captain, moved by I know not what compassion, as the lovely Zoraida was about to embark, gave her some forty gold crowns, and would not permit his men to take from her those same garments which she has on now.
  7. A mother and daughter play with an American Girl doll to my right, a businessman devours a biscuit and sausage to my left and Mr.
  8. Harry froze mid bite and placed the cream biscuit on the plate.
  9. First he took from his bag a mass of what looked like thin, wafer-like biscuit, which was carefully rolled up in a white napkin next he took out a double-handful of some whitish stuff, like dough or putty.
  10. Iola had brought two pieces of fried chicken, a heap of fried potatoes, string beans, a biscuit thick with butter, and a slice of apple pie.