English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "haihuwa" shine tsarin haihuwa, ko bayyanar sabon mutum daga jikin mahaifansa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa farkon ko asalin wani abu, kamar haihuwar sabon tunani ko motsi. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “haihuwa” a matsayin suna don nuni ga kwanan wata, lokaci, da wurin da mutum ya zo duniya, ko kuma a matsayin fi’ili don kwatanta aikin haihuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their birth to a senator should not have sealed their fates.
  2. I head through to the kitchen, recalling with anguish and a measure of embarrassment the desperate solitude I endured in the aftermath of the birth, absolute whenever Celestino was at work in his studio, which was more often than not.
  3. We were, after all, in love, but the birth of Gloria seemed to flick a switch in him and he reverted back to his old habits.
  4. I did not have you foisted on me by birth as Kosar and Jarand did.
  5. The loyalty that had been ingrained in her since birth tugged at her, crept into her thoughts when she least expected it, made her question everything she observed and heard.
  6. The officers gave them a wide birth, as one doctor headed straight to the officer with the radio and began talking to him about awaiting a response.
  7. It continues after birth, when they react differently when their mother reads a story compared with someone else.
  8. I can only imagine that James feared a scandal because once he calmed down and starting thinking, he removed the birth certificate from her purse and stuffed it in his coat pocket.
  9. Half magebloods had a death sentence on them from birth back on Enzar.
  10. I explain that my visions confirmed what I had feared, that after Lori had given birth to Annie she traveled to the school in an effort to get James on board.

TV Series Examples



They say the winter of my birth



My mother died giving birth to me.