English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsuntsaye" wani nau'in jinni ne mai ɗumi, mai kwai, dabbar kashin kashin da ke da fukafukai da baki kuma yawanci tashi. Ana samun tsuntsaye a wurare da dama a duniya kuma an san su da iya sadarwa ta hanyar waƙa da kuma iyawarsu ta musamman ta tashi. Ana kuma adana su a matsayin dabbobi ko kuma amfani da su don farauta, kuma suna da mahimmancin al'adu da alama a yawancin al'ummomi.

Sentence Examples

  1. They detached and the bird lifted into the sky, disappearing over the trees again.
  2. The bird inside was poised on its perch as though it were about to take flight, soaring up and away from its bonds forevermore, and she stared at it for a long moment.
  3. The corridor walls to the fire element cavern were constantly alight with fake fire, and the walls leading to the Archives were lined with books that flew and nested like birds, quoting passages of their text instead of bird calls.
  4. It all seems far-fetched but my suspicions fly off Pedro and land on Fernando like a bird on a passing ship.
  5. I flew lopsidedly above the crowded roads, like a particularly ungraceful bird.
  6. Neither flight of bird nor passing of beast troubled the perfect calm.
  7. Skimming swiftly over a beam that was only a bit wider than her foot, Cianne found the perfect spot for her bird.
  8. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third.
  9. It was a black circle with what looked like barbed wire around the outside with the outline of a bird on the inside.
  10. The bird was so finely wrought that every detail of its feathers and tiny beak was uncannily lifelike.

TV Series Examples



A bird without feathers.