English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsakanin" ita ce:(adverb) a ciki ko ta sararin samaniya da ke raba abubuwa biyu ko fiye da haka(preposition) a cikin matsayi ko tazara. wanda ke raba abubuwa biyu ko rukuni, ko kuma ke nuna sauyi daga wata jiha ko yanayi zuwa wata.


  1. 'tween

Sentence Examples

  1. Something was brewing between those two, but I was also certain she was one of the two presidential candidates, which meant someone else external was being considered.
  2. Eleanor had squashed my theory about anything going on between Connor and Maggie.
  3. Between our off-the-charts intelligence and arrogant, stubborn streaks, neither of us could back down nor develop a normal relationship.
  4. Since the top floor was only large enough for his furniture, given the peaks of the slanted roof and the built-in library shelves, Lorraine sat in a central open section on the second floor between the two staircases.
  5. Could things have gone sour between them, and he was somehow involved in her death?
  6. All the houses were grand and loomed high between Main Street and the Wharton Mountains in the background.
  7. I saw a slight resemblance between Lorraine and Alton, in their pinned-back ears, hair color, and narrow jawlines.
  8. I also remembered my mother mentioning changes to the policy of fraternization between certain departments, citing a scandal a year ago involving a staff member accused of harassing someone.
  9. Then we present your father with a service award, and a few folks make speeches between six and seven.
  10. In between discrete barbs and jabs, I mentioned the grading process.

TV Series Examples



between honor on the one hand...