English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "daurin aure" shine wanda aka daura masa aure ko aka yi masa alkawari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayin daurin aure ko yin alkawari da wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. She felt guilt and shame that the thought of losing Matthaios had pained her greater than the thought of losing her betrothed.
  2. He was to have gone for his betrothed at dusk, and to have escorted her home.
  3. That Hermod was not betrothed to a varulf girl came as a welcome relief on one hand, but on the other, it meant Alci had given up the daughter of one of the least of his thegns.
  4. I learned besides that Cardenio, according to report, had been present at the betrothal and that upon seeing her betrothed contrary to his expectation, he had quitted the city in despair, leaving behind him a letter declaring the wrong Luscinda had done him, and his intention of going where no one should ever see him again.
  5. Cody rose, approached his betrothed, and took her hand.
  6. But on this day, she had seen her betrothed turn eviler than she could have imagined.
  7. Calder looked intently at Edgar, wishing this one was not the betrothed of Regan.
  8. I yearn to be a humble and pious wife but how can I marry a man, even a pharaoh, who will humiliate his betrothed and allow a boy to suffer for the sake of proving a point?
  9. He was a penniless commoner and she was betrothed to another, still, the yearning was no less.
  10. He would send word to Andrass, the sooner they were betrothed the better.