English to hausa meaning of

Berlin suna ne da ke nufin babban birnin Jamus. Yana arewa maso gabashin Jamus kuma shi ne birni mafi girma a ƙasar mai yawan jama'a sama da miliyan 3.5. Berlin tana da tarihin tarihi kuma an santa da fasahar fasaha da al'adu, da kuma rawar da take takawa wajen tsara tarihin duniya, musamman a lokacin yakin cacar baki. Kalmar "Berlin" na iya nufin nau'in zaren woolen ko kuma salon bargon ulu da ake amfani da su wajen kera riguna da sauran kayan sawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. While she sat at her table and worked on her new art project, Daisy listened intently to the latest news from Berlin.
  2. It proved to be a small pamphlet treatise on Speculative Astronomy, written either by Professor Encke of Berlin or by a Frenchman of somewhat similar name.
  3. Her family came from Berlin originally, and fled to Paris when Hitler came to power, thinking it would be safer.
  4. I gathered that they hated him pretty blackly in Berlin and Vienna, but that we were going to stick by him, and one paper said that he was the only barrier between Europe and Armageddon.
  5. A frequent visitor to Berlin, where the dashing young banker was feted and entertained by the Nazi elite, he had access to the highest echelons.
  6. What has become of the young chap who guided us in East Berlin when we visited the place in the seventies, Margery and I?
  7. Those foolish devils of soldiers have found something they care for, and that has upset the pretty plan laid in Berlin and Vienna.
  8. But today, on this fourth of November, we are witnessing something even more impressive, as at least half a million people have swamped Alexanderplatz, in the heart of the GDR capital of East Berlin.
  9. The gold was purchased by the Swiss with Swiss francs, thus providing Berlin with the currency it needed to keep its industry functioning.
  10. But Berlin would play the peacemaker, and pour oil on the waters, till suddenly she would find a good cause for a quarrel, pick it up, and in five hours let fly at us.