English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lankwasawa" ita ce aikin lankwasa ko canza alkibla daga madaidaiciyar layi ko saman fili. Yana iya komawa ga abubuwa na zahiri da suke lanƙwasawa, kamar kayan sassauƙa ko na'urar lanƙwasa, da kuma abubuwan da ba za a iya gani ba kamar lankwasa dokoki ko lankwasa nufin wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I force myself to look, bending to peer through the railings at the space under the bed.
  2. Electricity surged through me, bending my spine and tearing a moan from my throat.
  3. Bending over, I rested my hands on my knees and inhaled deeply.
  4. Bending down, she brushed her lips over his ear and spoke directly into it, so low he had to strain to hear her despite her proximity.
  5. Finally she stood before him, the noise of twigs bending and snapping had stopped, and the pair observed each other in silence.
  6. The little man met his eyes for a moment and then bending to his left, looked past him.
  7. Lok glanced at the magnificent beast once wearily before proceeding towards her and bending down.
  8. Her feet were shoulder-width apart, and she rotated her upper body, simultaneously sliding her right leg behind her while bending her left at the knee, her upper body twisted so that she faced left.
  9. It was not a killing blow but he reeled from it, his body bending to its force.
  10. Bill looks to me before bending down to greet his granddaughter.