English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "na" ita ce yanayin kasancewa memba ko ɓangare na wata ƙungiya, ƙungiya, al'umma, ko iyali. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga jin haɗin gwiwa, karɓa, ko haɗa shi cikin ƙungiya ko al'umma. Ƙari ga haka, ana iya amfani da “na zama” wajen bayyana wani abu da wani ya mallaka ko wanda ya dace ko kuma ya dace da wani mutum ko rukuni.

Sentence Examples

  1. The syllables changed to something familiar and, with an added tinge of resentment, the voice belonging to the boot barked.
  2. The Mongolia plied regularly between Brindisi and Bombay via the Suez Canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between Brindisi and Suez, and nine and a half between Suez and Bombay.
  3. It was clear to me, however, that the shutter belonging to the window at the head of the bed, would, if swung fully back to the wall, reach to within two feet of the lightning-rod.
  4. Jupiter opened it, and a large Newfoundland, belonging to Legrand, rushed in, leaped upon my shoulders, and loaded me with caresses for I had shown him much attention during previous visits.
  5. Now if, after all, I am wrong in my induction from this ribbon, that the Frenchman was a sailor belonging to a Maltese vessel, still I can have done no harm in saying what I did in the advertisement.
  6. When he was at Court, he lodged in an elegant town house belonging to his sister near The Strand, and it was here that Richard had come to seek him out.
  7. He succumbs to an exquisite sense of belonging to the exotic, so far from the oaks and hollyhocks of home.
  8. A eureka moment, which provided a sense of belonging and the impetus to consider the possibility of survival.
  9. Instead, she wound a path through gardens, over walls, and along the upper story of a manor belonging to an elderly lady who retired almost before the sun set.
  10. The smell of beeswax polish, the richly coloured walls and oil paintings, the feeling of never belonging.