English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "imani" ita ce yarda da cewa wani abu na gaskiya ne ko gaske, musamman ma ba tare da hujja ko hujja ba. Hakanan yana iya nufin samun bangaskiya ga mutum, ra'ayi, ko abu. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya nufin samun amincewa ko amincewa da wani abu ko wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. Brooke shook her head violently, refusing to believe any of this could be happening.
  2. People needed to believe someone had had the situation in hand.
  3. I believe in you and will do whatever it takes to help you take the lead spot.
  4. Most believe there never was any demon-spawn to begin with.
  5. People believe angelite assists its owners with spiritual communication.
  6. I refused to believe that there was no one in the Alliance who would have made the same choice.
  7. Believe me, if anyone remains on the trail they are perfectly safe.
  8. Some say the spawn were killed, more believe Akirandon still has them, others say the spawn were lost or else scattered across the realms.
  9. She chose to believe that if she could somehow create demon-spawn she could resurrect Ezanathul and rule all the realms at his side.
  10. I believe this is how the Royals upheld their Empire and ensured that they were the ones who had control of magic.

TV Series Examples



l don't believe that giants and ghouls



I still can't believe you're going.



The Dothraki believe that one day



The Dothraki don't believe in money.



l believe that the only difference



l will not believe Jon Arryn