English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fara" shine farawa ko fara wani abu, yawanci aiki ko tsari. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin sashin farko ko matakin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. We begin our tour in the bar, with each of the three offering different slices of history on the hotel and the town.
  2. Either I hit a nerve or said an inappropriate thing for Annie stares at me like a zombie and the papers in her hands begin to rattle.
  3. His gaze averted as he watched the gargantuan dragon begin to skim the tree tops, already far away.
  4. Soon, her borrowed magic will disappear and insanity will begin to plague her.
  5. Most believe there never was any demon-spawn to begin with.
  6. Josh could sense his body begin to morph as the haze of battle fell over him.
  7. It was one of the most exquisite frescoes Kila had ever seen, so lifelike that he half expected Cearus to step out of the wall and begin mingling with the guests.
  8. He was poised on the edge of movement, ready to begin his slide into position four.
  9. Our colleagues start shooting tourism questions such as when does the show begin and end, is it tour bus accessible, would non-Christians enjoy it, etc.
  10. Just as I was about to respond, someone on the stage asked everyone to take their seats, so the president could begin speaking.

TV Series Examples



Now we will begin the dance.



You must go also, lady. Once l begin to sing,



Here...you begin anew.