English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “bara” tana da ma’anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu daga cikin ma’anoninsa na ƙamus:Don neman wani abu, musamman kuɗi, a matsayin sadaka ko kyauta. li> Don yin buƙatu mai ƙarfi da gaggawa. Don ɗauka ko ɗauka ba tare da hujja ba. Misalin jimlolin: Maroki a bakin titi ya roki masu wucewa su ba ta kudi. tafiyar makaranta. Dan siyasar ya yi kokarin yin wannan tambaya ta hanyar gujewa ainihin lamarin

Sentence Examples

  1. At any rate, do this much, I beg of thee, Sancho, to undeceive thyself, and see that what I say is true mount thy ass and follow them quietly, and thou shalt see that when they have gone some little distance from this they will return to their original shape and, ceasing to be sheep, become men in all respects as I described them to thee at first.
  2. He does not beg to be a part of my life, he cannot be.
  3. Unless she did him the favour of topping herself, he wanted to feel her beg for life in that moment.
  4. He could let Lena take me back home, and then I could beg my parents to move us somewhere far away.
  5. I have no idea what transpired, and I beg Henry to please get me another martini and he heads to the bar while I try to restore my equilibrium.
  6. I thought I would have to beg for help, especially from her, but maybe not.
  7. I will tell you all the bloody facts and then I will ask you, beg you if need be, to do something for me.
  8. I put my finger on the gushing artery and I made him beg for mercy.
  9. All this has been since then confirmed on those occasions, and they have been many, on which he has crossed our path, at one time to beg the shepherds to give him some of the food they carry, at another to take it from them by force for when there is a fit of madness upon him, even though the shepherds offer it freely, he will not accept it but snatches it from them by dint of blows but when he is in his senses he begs it for the love of God, courteously and civilly, and receives it with many thanks and not a few tears.
  10. And, now, let me beg your notice to the highly artificial arrangement of the articles.

TV Series Examples



My lady, l beg the honor.



l humbly beg your pardon, my Lord Stark.



l beg you! Please, no.