English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "kyakkyawa" na iya bambanta dangane da tushen, amma gabaɗaya yana nufin haɗakar halayen da ke faranta wa hankali, musamman gani. Ana iya bayyana shi a matsayin inganci ko yanayin zama mai ban sha'awa ko faranta wa gaɓoɓi ko hankali, galibi ana haɗa su da fasali kamar su daidaitawa, daidaito, daidaituwa, ko ƙawata. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wani alheri, fara'a, ko ƙaya na mutum, abu, ko wuri. Kyawun na iya zama na zahiri kuma ya bambanta bisa ga ɗanɗanonsu, abubuwan da ake so na al'adu, da mahallin tarihi.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was beauty incarnate, yet not beauty as she had ever seen it before.
  2. She was a marvel, a work of such beauty he could scarcely believe she was real.
  3. Ninth-grade teacher Jim Reed purchased the property for his retirement home but found people constantly pausing on his homestead to view the natural beauty of the area.
  4. The elf smiled, but instead of highlighting his beauty like it did Arantay, it distorted his features further.
  5. They reached the enclave without incident, and the stone façades that had struck Kila with their gracious beauty the day before were now rendered somber.
  6. Instead, we talked about our travels over the years, and I shared how much the natural beauty was feeding my life.
  7. Her hair is frozen in place, every strand, reminding me of my grandmother who visited a beauty parlor every week for that teased effect.
  8. Something about their delicate beauty made the woods more welcoming.
  9. A cluster of spring beauty eased my mind, until I saw they were growing inside the skull of an opossum.

TV Series Examples



Such a beauty shouldn't stay



Though l suppose beauty



l'm a purveyor of beauty and discretion -