English to hausa meaning of

"Beaumont" na iya koma zuwa:Wani birni a kudu maso gabashin Texas, Amurka. Annabi na Norman asali, ma'ana "kyakkyawan dutse." Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman suna ga yara maza. Sashen Ardèche.

Sentence Examples

  1. Watters looked up as the organist began the music and Charlotte Beaumont appeared.
  2. Mr Beaumont was next, and then Charlotte, with one hand resting lightly on the arm of her husband.
  3. Nor had Beaumont stinted on food, with the table piled high with every delicacy that Watters could conceive, and much that he did not recognise.
  4. Mr Beaumont is one of our most prominent merchants.
  5. In the opposite corner, Amy Beaumont and Elizabeth Caskie discussed the latest fashions over their embroidery.
  6. Besides which, Mr Beaumont is a respectable businessman with no need to do such a thing.
  7. Beaumont waved back, whispered something to Amy, and sauntered across to Mrs Mary Caskie.
  8. Mr Beaumont must have spent a fortune on the flowers, with every column boasting a floral garland, the long table an arboretum of roses, and even the crystal chandeliers be-flowered.
  9. If the murderer in Calcutta killed a man who was trying to destroy Lady of Blackness, then he may have been friendly to Mr Beaumont.
  10. It was the first time that Watters had seen Charlotte close up, and he realised that she was much the plainer of the Beaumont sisters despite her elegance of carriage.