English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wake" iri ne na tsire-tsire wanda yawanci ya kasance m ko zagaye, sau da yawa masu launin haske, da kuma ci, yawanci tafasa ko gasa a matsayin kayan lambu ko amfani da su a cikin salads, miya, ko stews. Ana kuma amfani da wake a cikin shirye-shiryen dafa abinci daban-daban kamar chili, burgers, da tsoma wake. Kalmar “wake” kuma tana iya nufin shuka kanta, wacce ke cikin dangin legume kuma galibi ana shuka shi don iri masu gina jiki. Bugu da ƙari, ana amfani da "wake" a wasu lokuta a cikin mahallin da ba na yau da kullun a matsayin kalmar laƙabi ga kan mutum.

Sentence Examples

  1. A big red round chair occupied one corner a blue bean bag chair rested against one wall and a green leather chair was centered across from the couch with a brass and glass coffee table in between them.
  2. The next landmark was the Coffee Bean on the next corner, and the apartment complex sat two blocks further down.
  3. Instead, we had zip ties and gags to subdue the agents and guards, wedges to lock the housekeeper and cook in their rooms if necessary, and bean bag rounds to drop anyone who tried to be a hero.
  4. She thought she remembered passing a Coffee Bean the night before.
  5. I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a bumble-bee.
  6. He groaned, heaved himself up, and plodded to the bathroom, feeling the need to vomit and vaguely wondering if Milly or another Edenist had broken into and doctored the leftover bean soup he had forced himself to eat.
  7. In five minutes, she was in line at the Coffee Bean.
  8. McVie was finishing a coffee in front of the Coffee Bean, and they both got in the cruiser and drove toward downtown.
  9. The sandy beach felt like a bean bag underneath the towel.
  10. Fenway stopped at the Coffee Bean on the way back.