English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙwaƙwalwa" ita ce haskakawa ko fitar da hasken haske ko haske, haskakawa da haske ko ɗumi, ko bayyana jin daɗi, farin ciki, ko gamsuwa ta fuskar mutum, idanu, ko murmushi. .

Sentence Examples

  1. The survivors nearest the window were lit up from the sunlight beaming through the window.
  2. My ex-husband stands before me shirtless in a tight pain of jeans, beaming with information that will turn my present situation around, coming to my aid in ways I never thought possible, and my brain cells instantly disappear.
  3. Having her here, so close, beaming at him, felt like a much bigger prize.
  4. But she was there, behind Peter, bright smile beaming.
  5. So she accepted the bread and jam with a beaming smile.
  6. Dean reached the church, the hanging lights beaming through into the dark street.
  7. His face was covered by a metallic white mask, painted into a beaming smile.
  8. Beaming with pride, Lance led the procession up the street toward the pizza parlor, leaving the cheering locals behind to bask in their good fortune.
  9. He turned to Arthur, whose beaming smile of pride warmed his heart more than all the applause in the world.
  10. His determination to remain aloof was nearly undermined by Sparrow who ran at him beaming, and forced him into catching her by launching herself up into his arms.