English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bead" ƙaramin abu ne, sau da yawa zagaye, abin da aka yi da kayan kamar gilashi, itace, ko filastik, tare da rami ta cikinsa don zaren zaren. Ana yawan amfani da beads don kayan ado, kamar a cikin kayan ado ko kayan ado, kuma suna iya zuwa da launuka, siffofi, da girma dabam. Haka nan kalmar tana iya nufin digo ko kumfa, kamar a cikin ƙulli na gumi ko dutsen ruwa a saman. Bugu da ƙari, "ƙwaƙwalwa" na iya zama fi'ili, ma'ana ya zama nau'i-nau'i ko kuma a rufe da ko kamar tare da beads.

Sentence Examples

  1. The bead of blood seemed to shimmer as it welled up.
  2. She wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead, leaving behind a short streak of dirt.
  3. Now the shaman escorted them through the trees while he followed some red bead.
  4. Here the gray walked in first, beckoning me to attend I waited in the second room, and got ready my presents for the master and mistress of the house they were two knives, three bracelets of false pearl, a small looking-glass, and a bead necklace.
  5. He carried no arms whatever, nothing but a rosary of beads bigger than fair-sized filberts, each tenth bead being like a moderate ostrich egg his bearing, his gait, his dignity and imposing presence held me spellbound and wondering.
  6. I was so transfixed on their struggle that I gasped when a bead of sweat stung my eyes.
  7. She decked the walls in bead board, protecting the plaster from the activity of her two menfolk.
  8. As the conference drew to a close and Lister wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, a last hand went up.
  9. Blowing out a breath, she stepped between two pillars, drawing a bead upon the source of Pneuma.
  10. Is the NSA still trying to get a bead on that Travis bunch?