English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "bay" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin, amma ga wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani da su: Maɗaukakin mashigar teku inda ƙasar ke karkata zuwa ciki. Misali, San Francisco Bay a California. Launi mai launin ja-launin ruwan kasa sau da yawa idan aka kwatanta da kalar dokin bay. , da kyarkeci. Alal misali, "'yan fashin sun kasance a cikin teku yayin da suke korar fox."Ƙaramin ɗaki ko yanki mai raguwa a cikin daki ko gini. Misali, taga bay. Wani wuri da aka keɓe don lodawa da sauke kaya, yawanci a tashar ruwa ko tashar ruwa. Misali, cargo bay. Wurin da ke kewaye ta gefen uku ta ginshiƙai ko bango, yawanci a cikin coci ko babban coci. Misali, ƙungiyar mawaƙa.

Sentence Examples

  1. A black sedan is parked in the bus bay across the road.
  2. Sun reflected brightly off the bay, and the snow-capped Canadian Rockies sparkled on the northern horizon.
  3. The fort overlooks the docks across a sheltered bay.
  4. Shirley pulls up in a no-parking bay outside the town hall, a stout building set on its own block and fronted by a small plaza.
  5. Before Evan could dodge, the demon was on top of him and he was forced to wriggle madly as he held the pincers at bay.
  6. Light blue skies stretched forever, eventually meeting up with the frigid blue waters of Bellingham Bay.
  7. The steamer entered the road formed by the islands in the bay, and at half-past four she hauled up at the quays of Bombay.
  8. She lived with her parents in a huge white Victorian home that overlooked the city and bay.
  9. My mind tilts sideways as the sedan pulls out of the bus bay, makes a U turn and enters the road behind me.
  10. Those pesky tears lurk at the back of my eyes and I fight hard to keep them at bay.