English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "baseline" ita ce kamar haka:Noun: Layi na hasashe ko ma'auni daga inda ake yin ma'auni ko kwatance. li>Ƙaramar ko wurin farawa da ake amfani da shi don kwatantawa. muhimmi ko mahimmanci.Misali: Noun: Tsarin binciken shine matsakaicin makin gwajin da aka yi a shekarar da ta gabata. Ma'auni: Ma'auni na asali suna da mahimmanci don fahimtar matsalar. ci gaba.

Sentence Examples

  1. From her work station, she could bring up on-screen what their heart and breathing rates were and compare them to their sleeping baseline.
  2. Maybe some people got used to the fear or ignored it, but I thought for most people, it just created a higher baseline of stress as they went about their normal activities.