English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “bawon” na nufin kariya ta waje na itace, ko sautin fashewar da kare ko wasu dabbobi ke yi. yi kaifi mai fashewa, kamar yadda kare yake yi, ko yin ihu da babbar murya mai tsauri. Hakanan yana iya nufin gogewa ko soke bawon bishiya, ko kuma furta kalmomi cikin ƙanƙara, murya mai banƙyama.

Sentence Examples

  1. I nestled against a broad beech tree, its smooth bark gentler against my back than the alligator bark of red oak or locust.
  2. Covering my ears, I squirmed in my hiding spot and pressed my cheek against the rough bark.
  3. A loud bark caused us both to turn around at the same time.
  4. But near the customs house there were no such establishments the scene was still, broken only by the occasional bark and angry growl of dogs foraging for the last few scraps that had been ground under foot during the daylight.
  5. Fire, earth, and metal debris shot into the air, peppering the nearest trees and tearing chunks of bark from their trunks.
  6. A low-hanging fronded branch slapped hard across her right cheek and then continued to drag bark against her skin, a reminder from nature to lessen her speed.
  7. They were as big as medium sized dogs, but otherwise appeared as a dragon would, except for the lolling tongue, excited panting and the tiny spouts of flame that accompanied their bark.
  8. Then he wrapped his arms around me, without really touching me, and placed the palms of his hands against the bark of the tree.
  9. Is he into bondage, or whipping, or making me get on all fours and bark like a poodle?