English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Barbary" tana da 'yan ma'anoni ƙamus daban-daban dangane da mahallin: Maroko, Aljeriya, Tunisiya, da Libya, waɗanda Berbers suka taɓa zama kuma suka zama cibiyar satar fasaha da cinikin bayi a ƙarni na 16 zuwa 19. mutanen Berber ko yarensu. (Biology) Dangane da wani nau'in biri macaque (Macaca sylvanus) da aka samu a tsaunin Atlas na Maroko da Aljeriya, wanda kuma aka fi sani da Barbary macaque.(dated). ) Magana akan kowane nau'i na 'yan fashin teku ko ayyukan farauta.

Sentence Examples

  1. The first person I met was her father, who addressed me in the language that all over Barbary and even in Constantinople is the medium between captives and Moors, and is neither Morisco nor Castilian, nor of any other nation, but a mixture of all languages, by means of which we can all understand one another.
  2. Nowhere do we find the reception our unhappy condition needs and in Barbary and all the parts of Africa where we counted upon being received, succoured, and welcomed, it is there they insult and ill-treat us most.
  3. I obeyed him, and with my uncles, as I have said, and others of our kindred and neighbours, passed over to Barbary, and the place where we took up our abode was Algiers, much the same as if we had taken it up in hell itself.
  4. But as the moon did not show that night, and the sky was clouded, and as we knew not whereabouts we were, it did not seem to us a prudent thing to make for the shore, as several of us advised, saying we ought to run ourselves ashore even if it were on rocks and far from any habitation, for in this way we should be relieved from the apprehensions we naturally felt of the prowling vessels of the Tetuan corsairs, who leave Barbary at nightfall and are on the Spanish coast by daybreak, where they commonly take some prize, and then go home to sleep in their own houses.
  5. That very night our renegade returned and said he had learned that the Moor we had been told of lived in that house, that his name was Hadji Morato, that he was enormously rich, that he had one only daughter the heiress of all his wealth, and that it was the general opinion throughout the city that she was the most beautiful woman in Barbary, and that several of the viceroys who came there had sought her for a wife, but that she had been always unwilling to marry and he had learned, moreover, that she had a Christian slave who was now dead all which agreed with the contents of the paper.
  6. Don Quixote told Don Antonio that the plan adopted for releasing Don Gregorio was not a good one, for its risks were greater than its advantages, and that it would be better to land himself with his arms and horse in Barbary for he would carry him off in spite of the whole Moorish host, as Don Gaiferos carried off his wife Melisendra.
  7. The Moors of Aragon are called Tagarins in Barbary, and those of Granada Mudéjares but in the Kingdom of Fez they call the Mudéjares Elches, and they are the people the king chiefly employs in war.
  8. From some released Christians returning from Barbary, it so happened, he bought the ape, which he taught to mount upon his shoulder on his making a certain sign, and to whisper, or seem to do so, in his ear.
  9. In the course of our misfortune I was carried to Barbary by two uncles of mine, for it was in vain that I declared I was a Christian, as in fact I am, and not a mere pretended one, or outwardly, but a true Catholic Christian.
  10. In this way they escape the consequences of the first outburst and make their peace with the Church before it does them any harm, and then when they have the chance they return to Barbary to become what they were before.