English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "bar" tana iya samun ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Ga wasu ma’anoni da aka fi sani:Dogo, kunkuntar, kuma yawanci daga tebur ko tebur a gidan abinci, mashaya, ko wani wurin da ake ba da abubuwan sha da abubuwan sha. Wani abu mai ƙarfi, kamar ƙarfe ko itace, mai tsayi, sirara, da lebur, galibi ana amfani da shi don ba da tallafi ko ƙarfafawa. /li> Ƙungiya na ma'aunin matsi daidai da dynes miliyan ɗaya a kowane murabba'in santimita. Ƙungiyar ƙwararrun lauyoyi, kamar Ƙungiyar Lauyoyin Amurka.Layin kwance a kan. jadawali da ke wakiltar ƙima ko nau'i. Don hana wani shiga wuri ko kuma cire wani daga rukuni. ma'anar kalmar "bar." Yanayin da aka yi amfani da kalmar zai taimaka wajen tantance takamaiman ma'anarta.

Sentence Examples

  1. Quaint shops, the occasional college bar, and student rental housing lined the streets.
  2. The Baker Bar is buzzing with people so Annie, Merrill and I find a table in a back corner, ignoring the suggestion of the waitress that we fight the crowds and enjoy the spring weather on the balcony.
  3. I have no idea what transpired, and I beg Henry to please get me another martini and he heads to the bar while I try to restore my equilibrium.
  4. The door to the balcony bar opens and my heart races.
  5. Winnie spots me from the door and I smile and wave until I realize that I turned her down for a drink and here I am sitting in a bar with another friend, if you could call Merrill that.
  6. At the top of the stairs I make my way down the hall, past the Baker Bar and around the corner to my room.
  7. I grab a cup of coffee from the buffet bar and sit down, slurping down the java like a five-year-old.
  8. We begin our tour in the bar, with each of the three offering different slices of history on the hotel and the town.
  9. As Elijah went to the bar to collect their drinks, the Novices stared at Brooke with interest.
  10. Everyone is there, save Winnie, huddled in a group off to one side with Henry and Alicia discussing PR things at the bar, cell phones in hand.

TV Series Examples



Bar the doors and do not open them