English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bandage" wani tsiri ne ko guntun masana'anta ko wani abu da ake amfani da shi don rufewa, naɗe, ko kare wani rauni ko rauni na sashin jiki. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da bandeji don ba da tallafi ga gaɓa ko haɗin gwiwa, don riƙe sutura ko na'urar likita a wurin, ko don rage kumburi ko kumburi. Ana iya yin bandeji da abubuwa daban-daban, da suka haɗa da auduga, gauze, na roba, ko igiya mai ɗaure, kuma yawanci ana riƙe su a wuri tare da tef ɗin likita ko shirye-shiryen bidiyo.

Sentence Examples

  1. The bright white bandage on her head contrasted with her ebony straightened hair.
  2. The dog has its jaws in the same leg, the same place, re-opening the wound through the tea-towel bandage.
  3. As she began to wind on the bandage, her frown deepened and she looked more closely at the cut on his arm.
  4. Harry reached for James, lifted his shirt and examined the bandage on his shoulder.
  5. Someone came forward with cloth to bandage their right arms while Sparrow burrowed her way through the crowd to give Tarkyn a hug.
  6. When everyone was settled, Summer Rain approached him bearing a new bandage.
  7. She finished tying the bandage then looked at him.
  8. She watched Tarkyn out of the corner of her eye as he made one attempt after another to wind the bandage neatly around his right arm.
  9. As she unwrapped the old bandage, she leaned forward to inspect the long shallow knife wound.
  10. The two woodmen braced themselves as the prince picked restlessly at the bandage on his arm.