English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "balm" man shafawa ne ko shiri mai ƙamshi da ake amfani da shi don warkarwa ko sanyaya fata, ko mai sanyaya rai, waraka, ko ta'aziyya ko tasiri. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsiro ko bishiya, irin su balm na Gileyad, waɗanda suke samar da resin ko ruwan ɗanɗano mai ƙamshi da ake amfani da su don magani. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "balm" a alamance don komawa ga wani abu da ke kwantar da hankali ko warkar da raunuka ko damuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. I placed the vial aside and grabbed the satchel of lemon balm leaves.
  2. Adventures seeking thou dost rove, To others bringing woe Thou scatterest wounds, but, ah, the balm To heal them dost withhold!
  3. If the sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm, and damp towels strewn around the living room were any indication, Mia and André had returned.
  4. Once that was done, she made a balm of the whites of new eggs and rubbed it over the cut to help it heal quickly.
  5. These must be the balm trees Seguv told me about, the source of the afarsimon oil, the justification for rebuilding the destroyed city despite the costs.
  6. Searching through its contents, I found a vial of yarrow oil, some twine, and a satchel of dried lemon balm leaves.