English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "baking" shine tsarin dafa abinci ta bushe bushe a cikin tanda, yawanci ana amfani da gari, kwai, da sauran kayan abinci don yin burodi, biredi, pastries, ko wasu kayan gasa. Yin burodi sau da yawa ya ƙunshi haɗa abubuwa a cikin takamaiman tsari da yin amfani da ma'auni daidai don tabbatar da nau'in da ake so da ɗanɗanon samfurin da aka gama. Yin burodi yana iya nufin aikin shirya abinci a cikin tanda ko a kan wuta a buɗe, kamar gasa dankali ko gasa turkey.

Sentence Examples

  1. She had loved it and used it for canning, along with baking pies and cakes for new moms, invalids, and others in need.
  2. Tan leather seats felt great in contrast to the heat baking off everything outside.
  3. I sprinkle mint into the bowl as my thoughts, baking and otherwise, merge as one.
  4. The man with the glasses led him to an area where they were baking bread.
  5. Even with the shade, I found myself baking inside my thick robe.
  6. A dozen women in white aprons scurried to and fro baking and stirring.
  7. Christie grabbed a large bag of baking soda from under the sink and scooped a cup out.
  8. She carefully sprinkled the baking soda over the area and as the smoke calmed, she poured more of the baking soda into the pan.
  9. She waved away the fuss we made over her delicious baking.