English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mummuna" ita ce a matsayin karin magana ma'ana:Ta wata hanya mara gamsarwa, marar daɗi, ko mara kyau; rashin kyau. mai tsanani ko kuma mai tsanani. .

Sentence Examples

  1. My hands were shaking badly, and I inadvertently dropped the diary in my lap.
  2. Twenty-five years ago, we were in negotiations to make Enzar part of the Alliance, though as you know, that ended badly.
  3. Lonnie had always been courteous to me, though I knew he could pick on Abit as badly as the rest.
  4. Blood was still trickling from the wound, but luckily the blade had been a slender one, sliding between bone and sinew and the flesh was not badly cut.
  5. Though he badly wanted to divorce himself from his questioning companions, it was not possible.
  6. Light and noise seeped around the edges of the badly fitting door, and from inside he could hear the sound of singing.
  7. Several badly formed halting sentences spoke of his wish to return.
  8. He threw a fireball, in that moment he wanted to hurt Sintian badly.
  9. I want to agree so badly, heard this statement so many times before, but my heart never follows suit.
  10. Never before have I wished to see a tourist so badly, not even on my market stall on quiet days.