English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "baya" ita ce:siffa:Mai jagora ko fuskantar baya; juya a matsayi ko alkibla.Kin ci gaba ko ci gaba; mai juyayi; a hankali; rashin ci gaba; a bayan zamani.Regressive; tending to revert to a baya ko ƙasa da ci gaba yanayi ko yanayin. a cikin juyawa; ta hanyar da ta saba wa ci gaba ko kyautatawa. (archaic) Mai da alkibla ko tafarkin wani abu. Manufofin kamfanin na koma baya ne suka kawo cikas ga ci gabansa. li>Malamin ya umurci daliban da su karanta nassi a baya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was ripped away from him, my body forced backward until my spine slammed against the opposite wall.
  2. Catherine, his hands still caught in her hair, screamed as she was pulled backward.
  3. Opening the door he was forced to take a rapid step backward as Judith stumbled into the room, one hand holding a lit candle.
  4. He moved backward as Jack continued to walk towards him.
  5. Losing his balance and falling backward, he let out a horrified scream.
  6. Her two masts leaned a trifle backward she carried brigantine, foresail, storm-jib, and standing-jib, and was well rigged for running before the wind and she seemed capable of brisk speed, which, indeed, she had already proved by gaining several prizes in pilot-boat races.
  7. The servant raised his hands in a gesture of supplication and took a measured step backward.
  8. For a second, I worried about his next move, but then he stepped backward and took a deep breath.
  9. Estienne was laughing, but the blows had sent him backward.
  10. When I reach the bottom tread Shirley holds open the door, letting it go as I pass through and crossing the foyer and heading on outside without a backward glance.