English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lalata" mai ƙarfi ne ko maras kyau daga ƙungiya ko daidaikun mutane ga wani ra'ayi, aiki, ko wani lamari. Hakanan yana iya nufin motsin baya na na'ura ko na'ura ba zato ba tsammani, kamar koma baya a cikin akwati na injina. A cikin amfani na kowa, ana amfani da kalmar sau da yawa don bayyana mummunan martani ko ƙiyayya ga canjin siyasa, zamantakewa, ko al'adu ko ci gaba, musamman wanda ake ɗauka a matsayin rashin adalci ko rashin adalci.

Sentence Examples

  1. The magical backlash hit me at that instant, knocking both of us into the wall.
  2. The magic was so thick here, I could see the backlash ripple outwards, strike the wall, and rebound.
  3. The world flipped over as the backlash struck, sending me flying into a half-crushed car.
  4. Every use of magic has an equal backlash effect, and there are three levels of increasing severity.
  5. Even if she ran, the backlash could affect Carl and everyone in his camp.
  6. Magic was almost invisible here, compared to the Passages, where I could actually see where the backlash would hit.
  7. Our altercation went unnoticed for now, but if I used magic, anyone could get caught in the backlash.
  8. She must have used something else to absorb the backlash.
  9. The stunner broke apart in my hands as the backlash hit, and I dropped it as it seared my hand.
  10. She was throwing magic, and each blast triggered a backlash that made the air vibrate.