English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "baby" tana nufin ƙaramin yaro, yawanci wanda bai riga ya koyi tafiya ko magana ba. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi don yin nuni ga ƙaramin ko ƙarami na wani abu, ko kuma bayyana wani abu sabo ko a farkonsa. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "jariri" a matsayin kalmar so ga wanda ake so ko a matsayin nuna ƙauna ga wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I needed an update on my baby girl, and hearing about her day at school would help me feel better.
  2. I rise and call out her name, but Lori only has eyes for her missing baby girl.
  3. I leave out the part about her showing me what might have been a baby, no use freaking out Merrill more than necessary and really, I have no idea what that means.
  4. Something had been implanted in me, when I was a baby, back on Enzar.
  5. You have a potent magic source inside you, implanted inside you when you were just a baby.
  6. The pregnant pause has birthed into a silent baby and no one says a word on the drive up the mountain to our hotel.
  7. He had a baby face and was rather portly, but it was his yellow skin and shock of electric-blue hair that stunned her.
  8. He bought it on the streets of New Orleans when we took Lillye, then just a baby, to watch the midnight fireworks over the river.
  9. Said you were only a baby, and magic was common on your world.
  10. She was twelve years old, not a baby anymore, not in any sense of the word.