English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "m" ita ce:yana haifar da wahala, rashin jin daɗi, ko kunya; ba mai alheri ko gwaninta barashin sauƙi ko dabara a cikin motsi, aiki, ko aikibai dace da yanayi ko yanayi ba; wanda bai dace ba ko mara kyaumai wahala a iya ɗauka ko mu’amala da; yana bukatar taka tsantsan ko taka tsantsan Misali jimloli: Ya ji bacin rai a wurin bikin, bai san kowa a wurin ba. Kafafuwanta, tana jin bacin rai a gaban kawayenta. kuma yana da siffa mara kyau.

Sentence Examples

  1. When the conversation ran out, our silence grew awkward.
  2. When I left the house, I knew I had half an hour to spare, so I walked up to the crest of the hill that separates the valley of Haría from that of Máguez, stopping where several roads meet in an awkward intersection.
  3. Evan bid an awkward farewell to Cera as they entered the castle, thinking how their goodbye would have been different if demons had never attacked.
  4. Before long, I skated across a sheet of ice like an awkward ballerina wearing clown shoes and fell flat on my back.
  5. We all grab seats and I feel like the new kid on the first day of school, awkward and self-conscious.
  6. The other Onlekk made a grab for his arm, but Evan dodged away, stabbing the hand with an awkward jerking motion.
  7. The brash clang of metal against china made our silence more awkward.
  8. In an awkward moment of silence, we glanced at one another, and I relaxed back into my seat.
  9. My mother paused before offering an awkward, non-committal answer.
  10. Things with Elijah had been awkward after the kiss-attempt.