English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "awe" ji ne na girmamawa gauraye da tsoro ko mamaki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga abin mamaki ko sha'awar wani abu mai ban sha'awa ko kyakkyawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some officers had been ignorant of anything the doctor had said but now they had looks of awe and respect.
  2. Harry watched in awe as a patrolling officer ran to aid the woman with his pistol drawn.
  3. James watched in awe, holding Sam tightly in his arms.
  4. The way he bends down and points at the long table filled with fare, the way Gloria responds with a look of awe, the lifting of her face to his as if for approval.
  5. I was in awe of what I suspected might be as close to perfection as a person could get.
  6. Harry was in awe Jack was a ferocious warrior and had saved his life.
  7. We all take a moment to enjoy this delicate balance of light and water and I can feel our shared energy of awe.
  8. Charlie knew the fires would die down in a few hours, then chuckled, to which James and Sam watched in awe.
  9. With scintillating scales, terrific talons, gleaming teeth and lambent yellow eyes the dragon inspired awe.
  10. Her feet seemed to be automatically taking her somewhere as she stared about in awe.