English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "farke" shine a daina barci kuma ya zama mai hankali, ko kuma ya sa wani ko wani abu ya daina barci kuma ya kasance mai hankali. Hakanan yana iya nufin kasancewa faɗakarwa, sane, ko mai da hankali ga wani abu, ko ci gaba da haɓakawa ko aiki bayan lokacin rashin aiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. As it turned out, that would have been better than lying awake most of the night.
  2. Even though in my dreams the floodwaters stretch out for miles, smooth as a sheet of glass, peaceful and calm, I awake sweating.
  3. I spent most of the night listening to the wind rustle through the trees while I laid awake staring at the ceiling.
  4. Something about staying awake in case you have a concussion.
  5. Despite the late hour, I was wide awake and ready to face whatever waited ahead.
  6. I found Alex awake and reading, Jake sacked out next to him.
  7. He had taken to leaving his back door unbarred, his windows unlatched, when he was at home and awake.
  8. I must have dozed off because the telephone jerked me awake.
  9. Awake beside my daughter, my belly clenches with worry.
  10. I have no trouble finding my car this time and speed back to Lafayette while gulping coffee to keep me awake.

TV Series Examples



Do you lie awake at night