English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "avalanche" shine kwatsam da kwararar dusar ƙanƙara, ƙanƙara, duwatsu, ko wasu abubuwa a ƙasan dutse ko gangare. Wannan na iya faruwa ta dabi'a ko kuma ya haifar da shi ta hanyar ayyukan ɗan adam ko wasu dalilai kamar girgizar ƙasa ko ruwan sama mai yawa. Ruwan sama na iya zama mai hatsarin gaske da barna, yana haifar da raunuka, mace-mace, da asarar dukiya. Kalmar “avalanche” kuma a wasu lokuta ana amfani da ita a alamance don kwatanta kwatsam da yawa ko ƙarar wani abu, kamar bayanai ko motsin rai.

Sentence Examples

  1. They emerged from the cave as the sound of an avalanche came from within.
  2. Soon, an avalanche rippled through the statue, and the torso folded in half with a whispering sound.
  3. Below her were clusters of rock and dust, signs of recent avalanche activity.
  4. Lucky for Krista, this wall had been hit by an avalanche several months before the wall had not broken, but the impact had loosened some of the bricks, creating a crack just wide enough for Krista to move in and out.
  5. Wrath consumed him, he turned back to join the fight, but before he could another explosion rocked the foundations and a second avalanche smashed into the castle.
  6. She slid down a pile of wreckage, dislodging it and pushing it along in a small tinkling, grinding avalanche.
  7. Rowan watched as the Lamborghini surfed an avalanche of debris that slumped onto the beige tiles.
  8. Both its front feet came down like an avalanche to smother him again.
  9. As he came to a halt he saw Emillia swallowed by the avalanche of broken stone.
  10. His thoughts, desires, and regrets poured out in an avalanche of emotion.