English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "audible" ita ce:(adj.) mai iya ji; da karfi da za a ji; za a iya saurare shi da kyau(noun) littafi ko wasu ayyukan adabi da aka rubuta kuma ana samun su ta sigar da za a iya saurare, yawanci tare da ruwayar da ƙwararren mai karatu ko ɗan wasan kwaikwayo ya yi

Sentence Examples

  1. Ellen dropped from the sky and hit the tarmac with an audible thud I felt even from a distance.
  2. As the two women stared in disbelief, the girl stirred beneath the oxygen tent, a tiny, barely audible moan escaping her lips.
  3. As she walks away her stiletto heels make sharp taps on the floor, faintly audible over the background noise.
  4. The sound brought a hushed silence to the room, the whir of computer fans audible above all else.
  5. A moment later his expression turned to shock and he let out an audible gasp.
  6. His lack of conditioning produced an audible wheeze and a flushed face.
  7. I let out an audible sigh of relief when I saw the bright lights coming from a room just ahead.
  8. If people had been talking aloud he might have been able to chat to Autumn Leaves or Ancient Oak, but not when that would be the only audible conversation.
  9. Electricity bottomed out through my feet with an audible snap.
  10. As the older cop raised his firearm, Arthur unsheathed Excalibur and swung it down hard so that the flat of the blade struck him with an audible crunch on the forearm, sending his gun clattering out of reach.