English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "halaye" tsari ne na tunani ko ji game da wani ko wani abu, yawanci wanda ke bayyana a cikin halayen mutum. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa matsayi ko matsayi na jiki, ko wani yanayi na hankali ko yanayi. Gabaɗaya, ɗabi’a ita ce ra’ayi ko ra’ayi na kai da kuma na zahiri wanda ke tsara yadda mutum ya tsinkayi da kuma abin da ya shafi duniyar da ke kewaye da su.

Sentence Examples

  1. I resolved to adopt the attitude that it was the price paid when relocating to a tiny island off the coast of Africa.
  2. He said she was a hot little number with dark hair and a lot of attitude, which sounds a lot like our Kayla.
  3. Although she always dressed well and drove a nice car, she had no air of wealth or attitude about her.
  4. Jack had no intention of being berated by an old cleric in dirty vestments with an attitude that matched the weather.
  5. The survivors had a positive attitude most of the time.
  6. He might be sexy, and I might be completely in the wrong, but dang, his attitude was monstrous.
  7. As much as her attitude annoyed me, I enjoyed being abused in a humorous sort of way.
  8. A sour attitude and her thanklessness for the temporary home provided to her had led her to incur the displeasure of the Abbess.
  9. He cares about your pitching consistency and attitude on the field.
  10. Gone is the flippant attitude, replaced by something akin to empathy.