English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haɗe" shine haɗawa ko ɗaure wani abu zuwa wani, yawanci ta amfani da na'ura ko mannewa. Hakanan yana iya nufin haɗa kai ko haɗa kai da mutum, ƙungiya, ko sanadi, ko jin ƙaƙƙarfan haɗin kai ko aminci ga wani ko wani abu. Bugu da ƙari, "haɗe" na iya nufin haɗawa ko ƙara wani abu, kamar takarda ko fayil, zuwa saƙo ko imel.

Sentence Examples

  1. Murderers, casting it in, would not have failed to attach a weight.
  2. With this object in view, it became necessary to attach something like a rope to one of the extremities.
  3. He envied them for the one thing that was missing from him and that they had, the importance they were able to attach to their lives, the amount of passion in their joys and fears, the fearful but sweet happiness of being constantly in love.
  4. Attach one of the monitors to the inside of her wrist and one near her heart.
  5. They attach themselves as a rule to some great noble or boyar, and call themselves by his name.
  6. We will attach remotely activated Zyklon B canisters inside the air intake for each unit and attach the hose to the heating and air conditioning port connector on each aircraft.
  7. As soon as I saw it, although I could not distinguish who put it out, I showed the paper as a sign to attach the thread, but it was already fixed to the reed, and to it I tied the paper and shortly afterwards our star once more made its appearance with the white flag of peace, the little bundle.
  8. My sister is happily married her husband is only my brother-in-law, that is, a man whom the ties of social life alone attach to me no one then longer needs my useless life.
  9. Wet or dry, it will attach itself to any part of your anatomy it can reach, and those cool ocean breezes that everyone loves so much?