English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "atrium" babban zaure ne ko kuma buɗaɗɗen sarari a cikin gini, yawanci wanda ke kewaye da colonnade ko portico. A cikin jiki, yana nufin ɗaki ko rami, musamman ko ɗaya daga cikin ɗakuna biyu na sama na zuciya, wanda ke karɓar jini daga jijiyoyi kuma ya tilasta shi cikin ventricle. Kalmar "atrium" ta fito daga kalmar Latin "atrium," wanda ke nufin "zauren shiga" ko "babban dakin."

Sentence Examples

  1. As he arrived on the fourth floor atrium, Evan guessed the time was around eleven, as the majority of Venators were in bed.
  2. I cross the concourse and climb a flight of long and wide steps, entering a light and airy foyer that has an atrium in its centre and corridors going off in all directions.
  3. A fact clearly not lost upon his young wife, Bateia, who perpetually happened to stroll by the atrium so she might cast withering glances upon Pandora.
  4. I emerged from the stairwell and stumbled toward the door to the atrium.
  5. She picked up hints of them in the vibrant fresco that decorated the back wall beyond the columns encompassing this atrium.
  6. She saw their echo in the fountain in the atrium, glinting in the sunlight.
  7. They had a family room with a high cathedral ceiling and huge atrium window.
  8. The atrium is the most popular gathering site for just about everyone in the city.
  9. The atrium is spacious, with a garden, and fountains, and flower beds filled with vibrant floral designs.
  10. It is a well-built establishment, three floors high, with a large open-aired atrium in the center of the building.