English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Atlantic" tana nufin teku na biyu mafi girma a duniya, wanda ke tsakanin Amurka zuwa yamma da Turai da Afirka zuwa gabas. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “Atlantic” azaman sifa don bayyana abubuwan da suka shafi ko kusa da wannan teku, kamar gabar tekun Atlantika, kogin Atlantika, ko guguwar Atlantika. Asalin kalmar “Atlantic” ta fito ne daga tatsuniyar Helenanci ta Atlas, wani Titani da aka ce yana ɗaukaka sama kuma aka azabtar da shi ta hanyar mayar da shi wani tsauni da aka ce yana Arewacin Afirka.

Sentence Examples

  1. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, each has its literature almost more distinct than those of the different dialects of Germany and the Young Queen of the West has also one of her own, of which some articulate rumor barely has reached us dwellers by the Atlantic.
  2. From this point it described a long curve, descending towards Bitter Creek Valley, to rise again to the dividing ridge of the waters between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
  3. These mails are carried to Dublin by express trains always held in readiness to start from Dublin they are sent on to Liverpool by the most rapid boats, and thus gain twelve hours on the Atlantic steamers.
  4. On the declivity of the Atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the North Platte River, already appeared.
  5. The Inman steamer did not depart till the next day, and could not cross the Atlantic in time to save the wager.
  6. After going about two hundred miles, the travellers at last found themselves on one of those vast plains which extend to the Atlantic, and which nature has made so propitious for laying the iron road.
  7. Arrived at the station which is in daily communication, by numerous trains, with the Atlantic seaboard!
  8. At a vast distance to the eastward, although perfectly discernible, extended the islands of Great Britain, the entire Atlantic coasts of France and Spain, with a small portion of the northern part of the continent of Africa.
  9. The travellers had now only to descend to the Atlantic by limitless plains, levelled by nature.
  10. If Phileas Fogg had left in the China, one of the fastest steamers on the Atlantic, he would have reached Liverpool, and then London, within the period agreed upon.